It's now early August, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing. This time last year I swore I was one of those birds. Unfortunately I didn't realize that we are supposed learn from our mistakes and by forgetting my lesson I was being tugged into an emotional black hole. I have told the story so many times that I can't count about how Tom managed to rip every bit of happiness out of my little heart. He is like on team Cobra in the game of relationships. I started to think about him today because I was recalling how last week he had me uninvited to a wedding.
Ah yes he who has done the right thing cannot bare to see me. Should he be faced with that torment he will resign from his best friends wedding. Let us not forget he did threaten to get a restraining order on me to protect himself from my dangerous mind. He's a bigger fruit loop then Toucan Sam. Now don't call me Miss Cleo but I figured this idiot was going to pull a stunt like this. As a preventative measure I sent him an email two weeks to address these nuptials stating I was not going to avoid any disruption for the bride and groom. Naturally he didn't not respond and apparently he cannot read English because he still found a moment in time to have a panic attack over it.
A couple of months ago all of this would have made me sad. But, the things that men do never cease to amaze me anymore. I think it is quite humorous and I will share why. The only reason people avoid other people is because they know that they have wronged them. If he was so right in the way he handled us what is the problem? It's a little word call GUILT. Tom knows he was wrong and if he sees me the price he paid for being selfish is right there in front of him.
I sincerely hope it eats him alive at night when he is trying to sleep. Maybe it will make him go overboard on one of his parasites. Either way whatever it is that is making him have a fit over me is awesome in my opinion. This emotional black hole he sucked me into has been eating away at me for over four years and I am ready to find a way out of the worm hole. So Tom I know a scientist and he has Morgan Freeman on his speed dial. I'm about to be rescued. So how do you like them apples?