A year in the life of......
A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Creepers Lay Off!
This blog isn't going to be particularly detailed it's more of a vent. Seriously what is with all the random creepers lately?! They are everywhere!! Okay so I know I am single and very celibate; that doesn't mean I am desperate. I'm just letting the universe be in control of my next step in the love area of my life. Yet time and time again I am being harassed by some freak I don't know. First of all it is not cool to poke a girl you don't know on facebook. It's weird and I don't know you so that signals stranger danger to me. It makes a guy seem desperate and I will not poke back or ask for your number. Second if a girl ignores you when you are trying to talk to her at a bar just leave her alone. Third cat calling a girl in a parking lot, at the mall, on the road, wherever is not attractive. I am not going to stop what I am doing so that you can holla at me. I'm not a hooker standing on a street corner. Maybe this wouldn't be such an issue if these men were good looking? But then again maybe it's not the looks thing but the you are a displaying the potential to be a rapper. I can get over looks at time my ex-boyfriend resembled a young Charles Manson. But this is no way to court a lady. No wonder I prefer to spend night alone!