A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14 (Just cause my kid has four legs doesn't make her not important)

Today I am dedicating my blog to my pup.  My little frenchie the only thing in this world that is 120% mine.  People often discredit my mothering skills because I don't have human kids.  But in reality I do a lot more for Frenchie then most people do for their five year old.  Which brings me to what happened in the last twenty four hours. 
Frenchie must have got into something because she got sick....the runs kind of sick all over my carpet.  I didn't stress too much.  The carpet can be cleaned no problem I have a long weekend.  But I was worried about Frenchie she never gets sick like this.  I wake up this morning and I go into work, even though I don't want to leave her.  I figure I will check on her in a couple hours at lunch.
As soon as I go into work I place a request for the afternoon off so I can take care of Frenchie if I need to.  I get home and she looks so upset.  I know her tummy still hurts and the pooping hasn't stopped.  So I go back to work and I talk to my boss. I explain to him I need to care for my child Frenchie and I need my vacation request to be granted.  Then I find out later while I am at home that my other two managers were discussing how our dogs are not a reason to take last minute person time.
Well to them I say piss off!  One of them takes of the second his sixteen year old daughter has a cold to take care of her.  The other one just comes in sick to piss and moun.  I don't see or hear anyone saying that almost adult child isn't important.  I guess my point is my dog is my child and sometimes she gets sick too.  She is no less important and I am sorry I have chosen not to add to the over population for the time being.  It's not up to them to decide what constitutes as a loved on and what doesn't.  Plus Frenchie is better then their stupid kids, she never talks back and always eats everything on her plate.