A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 7 (2011 or bust)

What is in the past can be left there; all the ick and mucking up.  I'm so ready to start moving forward.  I will carry all my good memories with me of course.  But anything else is just a learning experience.  I don't really believe in new year's resolutions but I do believe in embracing change and creating beautiful new tomorrows.  My plans for the year include growth spiritual and mental.  Now that doesn't mean I'm going to be born again but I'm going to finish fixing all those things that I want repaired before I turn thirty.
I am going to kill off Pinocchio number one.  I will not let that crazy side of me destroy my life any longer.  I don't care if I have to poison that little asshole but he has taken his last breath in 2010.  I am ready to embrace me and do all those things that I have been putting off.  Vacations watching a ballet at the met in new york city, laying on a warm beach, and watching the sunset in the mountains.  As for being on the town, I'll save that for when I am in a real town.  Being a grown up and handling my affairs in a grown way is oh so important from here on out.
There are some things I will not change, instead I am going to fight to keep those parts of me alive.  I am a romantic and I will not give up on love.  It is the single most important thing in life, it is the reason for our existence.  It is so beautiful to think about how two people can grow so much and change so much together. I am going to keep increasing my faith in knowing you should never, never, never just say I quit for no particular reason.  I will also never let go of knowing I am a human becoming ever changing and growing into some new metamorphosis.  I know it's OK to make mistakes and to fall down.  I will keep on picking myself up.
I let parts of 2010 kick me when I was down.  I let negativity lead me into endless nights of tears.  I let my own self doubt lead me into moments of insanity.  I almost gave up on love.  I started to forget the girl inside who I took so long to get to know.  But the good news is I am aware of all that and today is the first day of the rest of my tomorrow.....and this lady always gets what she wants.