A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Requiem for a Dream

There is a force on this Earth more powerful than any storm and can only be undone by meeting death.  That is love.  It's powerful because at the same time it can lift you up while making you feel the most powerful anxiety.  But yet you crave it and you keep going back or more.  I thought that I would feel love but I never thought that I would be consumed by love.  I never thought that love would be something illogical and that I would never seek a way out when things got too hot.

Love is sneaky and it will catch up to you when you least expect it to.  It can make think without clarity and fill you with madness.  Some of us like Tom will fight that feeling of being out of control and walking into the dark.  Some of us, the romantic ones like myself embrace it.  It's like the sweetest aroma that you have ever encountered and you keep getting closer and closer.  You are playing a very dangerous game.

But if you are like me once you are diseased you don't care about the risk.  You just have to have more and more.  Love will be yours because you believe in it.  Just remember everything is good in moderation at first.  If you have a partner in fight or flight let them go but follow like a slow dance.  Nothing will stop love, nothing will stop your dreams from happening if you believe. So go ahead, what's the worst that could happen, you stop listening to your dreams?