A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Reindeer Games Are Over...There's a New Sheriff In Town

Offing Polly Pure would be like offing the wicked witch of the East.....period.  Some people would compare the nuisance that some people create in the lives of others as a pestilence.  Those people that fly around you, their opinions worthless like the life of a fly.  Their brains smaller than as snail, not able to form a single thought.  You think that you got them with your fly swatter but you were wrong.  Just as you felt you could finally sit down and enjoy that sweet quart of berries they come buzzing around again.

I don't actually know this plague in the flesh but yet it rots my soul.  Years ago there was a simple way to rid myself of such a pain in the ass and well that was simply by beating it's ass.  Which don't get me wrong if it weren't for maturity and the law I would love to have the opportunity. But, alas a more diplomatic way must be found.  So my solution to go ahead and dead the bitch.  In my house and in my world this stench of all that is disgustingly fake about the world does not exist.  It's as extinct as the doe doe bird.

I don't wish to have a disease in my world that I cannot fairly fight.  Some how the fake smelly ones are the ones that people feel pity on.  It's pretty much because they are good at playing the victim.  So I will banish it with modern medicine.  Away from my sterilized world.  I'm done with the reindeer games and if this plague should try to come back into my house I will inject the mother fucker with penicillin.  That way I can watch it shriveling up and disappear into the nothingness of darkness.