I live in a town where people wear their "faith" on their clothing like a bright red scarlet letter. Where everyone belongs to a church and loves Jesus. A place where the more Christian you are the more important you are in the cast system. But, I think they've got it all wrong. Faith isn't something bright and shinny. It's not something that is virginal and white as a dove. Faith is the absence of light. Faith is absolute darkness. Faith is going into a place where the sun doesn't shine because it is extinct. Faith is the belief in something that no matter how scary the venture, how blind you maybe, you are not afraid to walk through it.
Faith doesn't necessarily have to be about your belief in God. Faith is about the way you approach life. Your belief that everything, even those things that seem impossible, will turn out for the best. Faith is believing in yourself. Knowing that you are a beautiful and ever evolving human being; you are capable of anything. Faith is taking a vice in your life, waking up one day, making the decision that you have had enough of it, and finally deciding to make a change. The reason you can make the most complicated transition in life from the person you are now to the person that you are becoming is faith.
Faith is picking yourself up when you at rock bottom and knowing that things are going to get better. It's when you let the tears out because you know the crying, it won't last forever. Faith is when you see beauty in mishaps of life, accepting the past, and moving forward. It's looking at your dog and understanding their unconditional love is there with out them verbally expressing it. Faith is believing in love, the risks you take to find yourself in it's bliss, even when it seems as if hope is lost. When you find perfections in another persons imperfections no matter how terrible they may be that is faith. Faith is knowing deep inside there is a special reason a particular lovers kiss tastes so good.
I'm not an expert on faith and I am not a guru. For a very long time I didn't have any faith in anything. I was sure my life was doomed to be nothing but existing on Earth until the day would come that I died. But, suddenly in the recent past I found myself thinking that I no longer wanted to believe that nothing would ever come to me. I wanted to live in reality and not in a fantasy. I decided that maybe there isn't a logical answer for everything and sometimes you have to just put on your blind fold to evolve. So here I am at the edge of one chapter moving into the next. I am exited for the future, believing in myself, the ones I love, and the promise of the universe. I am accepting the risks because I have Faith.