A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 24 (A night of magic)

A long time ago, so long ago that only the wing can remember, when the earth was very young there lived a magician and his daughter.  They lived a very nice life as the magician was in service to the king of this great new earth.  His daughter was very beautiful, bright, and youthful like the spring.  Her hair so long and black. Her eyes were the color of the dirt that gave life to the flower and plants.  One day the magician came home and told her that she was to marry very soon and he must let her go. This was a problem because the girl had already promised her heart to another.  The son of the king of this magical realm.  The young girl was so distraught she could not bear the thought of leaving her father or abandoning her one true love.  But it was what the king ordered and she would never be allowed to be with the prince.  The girl would rather die then trade her love for an obligation.  So she thought she would run away and he would never find her.

She made her way to a staircase that led up the the Earth.  A terrible place where one could feel real pain. It didn't matter to her for her life would be over if she stayed.  The king was on to her he knew that she defied him. As she passed through the storms many life times past and the king vowed to punish her in each human existence.  She would suffer and be alone.  All hope was not lost because the prince searched for her over many lifetimes but just as he would be close to finding her to bring her home....she would disappear or his father would be onto his scheme.  So he had to become more discrete and only come to her in dreams.  He would go to her and advise her of a key that she must find and use to return.  But the girl lived a new life each time she died and would dismiss the messages as nothing more then dreams.  Until one day she found a strange key.....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 23 (This Weather Is Very Doom Song)

So I realize it is the first really warm day we have had in a while....but it is so gloomy outside.  It is making me feel sad on the inside.  I am just going over and over in my head all the disappointments I have had in the last few years.  Someone told me I am going through a phase where I feel like a victim and if I keep doing that nothing is going to turn around.  But, you know what I can't help it.  I mean really what does it feel like to be happy all the time?  I really don't know because I have never had that experience.
I need sunshine back in my life right now and affections.  The rain is getting to me and it's not good.  I hate when I retreat to my hole and don't want to come out.  I start to over analyze everything and produce nothing.  If I want change I have to bring it out myself.....yet the energy is not there.  It was funny because I was reading some emails I wrote around September.  I don't know that person right now.  They were so happy and upbeat.  I seemed so hopeful and I believed I found some of the answers to life's mysteries.  Now I don't know because I am such a paranoid freak. 
I wish I could be back in those happy times where I wasn't breaking out over stress, dreading going to work, and not sleeping alone.  Maybe I am being punished for something except I thought that I already finished my penance.  I have got to get out of this funk, I need a plan.....my brain is just way to cloudy to make one right now.  There are just so many unresolved issues right now in so many different areas.  I have this huge homework project that is life and I am procrastinating.  Maybe I am just afraid.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 22 (Get Out of My Dreams You Whore)

I love to sleep.  It is actually one of my favorite hobbies.  I could sleep for months like a Disney Princess.  When I sleep I have my pup snuggled next to me and my dreams are an escape from reality.  99% of the time my dreams a pleasant.  I don't have that many nightmares nor do I dream about people I have issues with.  They don't exist in my perfect sleepland.  But, last night my dream got hijacked.

It started out really pleasant like....I was in a mall.  A local mall called Rogers Plaza.  But it was not the dump it is today, it was Rogers Plaza circa 1986.  I was walking around on my own (at my current age not 1986 age).  I was happy and looking around.  Then at one end of the mall near good old Montgomery Wards there was a glass enclosure filled with birds.  Not sparrows or red jays....just tropical flyers of all colors and sizes.  Then suddenly a single little flyer came up to my feet, her wings clipped so she couldn't fly.  She was a baby peach faced lovebird just like the one I had as a kid.  A little baby parfait! 

I knew she was meant to be mine so I scoped her up and started loving her.  I am not sure how long I had her in my dream but at some point Tom's mom made an appearance.  Tom's mom hates me and would go out of her way to make me unhappy.  She took my bird away and said I wasn't allowed to have it.  I was so pissed why was this bitch in my dream!?  I could have punched a baby.  She took my bird to an old redneck house on the westside that looked like the one belonging to the bird lady with the wolves that lives by my grandma.  That house is not really on the westside but in my dream it was relocated.

She had many birds in old boring looking cages.  They all looked so sad.  My little lovebird cried out to me to help her.  I screamed at Tom's mom that she couldn't take her.  That the westside was full of alley cats who would eat her.  But she didn't care she smiled as she handed my bird to that lady and I woke up crying.  I real life I loved that bird to pieces and I had her for eighteen years.  I love when she visits me in my dreams, how could this woman invade my sleep and destroy happy thoughts.  That bird was mine and had nothing to do with her.  In fact I don't even think she knew that I ever had parfait.  It was a terrible nightmare and if that whore invades my dreams again I'm calling Freddie and they are going to have to change the name of the movie to nightmare on heron street!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 21 (I didn't die of the black death)

I am not a quitter I am just sometimes a little spaced out.  I was on a mental vacation for the last month, I say vacation because I am not sure where my mind was.  It was like five weeks I don't remember a second of because that is what happens when I get broken down.  My mind and body go all zombiebot so I am able to cope and get through each day.  So on the bright side I am not crying myself to sleep at night or having nightmares about terrible monsters who are eating my belly.  Yes that is a long time story and has been a life long nightmare, but another time my friends.  However there is a negative and that is that I don't so anything that would live up to the standards set by my sane stable self. 

I started thinking tonight I haven't been able to compose a sentence for my blog how in the hell was I doing my homework!  Holy balls batman I am going to have to step it up for the next six weeks and thank the Gods that spring break is next week so I can turn things around.  It's shocking I am sure to most of you.  Finally after so many years of hard work I am almost at my goal and I am going to graduate from my dream school.  You see ever since I can remember I wanted to go to a certain big ten school, be in a sorority, be a college cheerleader, meet some fellow dinosaur loving artsy type like me, and graduate from University of Illinois together.  Unfortunate for me my life is never on a straight road and the younger I was the easier it was to be off track.  So I threw that dream away for keggers and mall jobs.  Here I was getting my second chance and the opportunity for one of those lost dreams to come true...I am going to be Illinois alumni!  As long as I snap out of it and get back to the program.

It makes me feel a little sick to realize I let it get this way again.  I was riding on a high for a while my momentum helped me reach some of my goals.  But man did I get shot down like bird hit by a bee bee gun.  All because of one single person Tom.  So you might think I am the biggest idiot in the world for saying this or even feeling it, but it's real and it's my reality.  I love Tom and it breaks my heart to know he is such a sick person.  Even though he portrays his life to be perfect and his mind to be normal.  Even though if you know Tom and you know me he may have even convinced you that I was the lunatic.  I really don't hate him and I forgive him for breaking me down.  It has made me stronger and it has taught me the range of emotions a human being is capable of having.  I would be the first person to help him up when he falls.  But it's because when you really love some one the bullshit doesn't matter. That kind of love just doesn't disappear.  If you want to know what I was dealing with well if you have seen Charlie Sheen lately.....you just got a peek into what I was living with since thanksgiving.

All that momentum got sucked right out of me and I started falling back towards the ground.  I was beat up on the inside and started to question my life.  Was I a loser?  Here I am almost thirty, still in school, working at some stupid job that I hate, spending most nights hanging out with my TV, feeling unattractive, and dealing with this dutch warlock.....winning! My soul is still today a little tormented.  So I was thinking maybe I was one of those people who wasn't going to realize their dreams.  Maybe I should just stop thinking that I could have a nice life.  I totally fucked up.  It takes a special person to love and be in a relationship with someone who is sick like Tom.  The first rule is you have to learn to separate yourself from their sick self.  If not you will be contaminated.  It is better to love from a distance when they start to get ill.

If not it's open season and you are the closest easiest target for the rage.  I should have just walked away for a while.  I don't think I was ready for a breakdown so soon.  I wasn't practicing my emergency plan early enough.  But now I know and I can only say I hope he gets out of this relapse soon; not for me, or us, but for him.  No not so he comes running back to me so we can live happily ever after.  Because it would make me sick to watch him throw his life away.  It's so sad what has been happening in both our lives lately I shed tears thinking about it.  But, I can't let go of those things that I have worked so hard for and the dreams I have coming true right now.  They say if you give positive to the universe it gives it back.  It is so true and so easy to forget.  I am at such a turning point in life now the decisions I make today effect my entire tomorrow.  Being happy with me is what makes me whole and I know that.  Working hard for me and my Frenchie.  While I may be growing older (hello first dermatologist appointment this coming Monday) I am wiser.  Life has many more downs then ups and love isn't always a fairytale.  You really have to take things as they come.  There is no point in dwelling because it will only keep you in the dark.  The dark is a scary place!  I'm not hoping for tomorrow I am manifesting it.  I don't care about what anyone else thinks or sees because it doesn't matter.  I learn my own lessons, I make my own way, and I create my own dreams.