A long time ago, so long ago that only the wing can remember, when the earth was very young there lived a magician and his daughter. They lived a very nice life as the magician was in service to the king of this great new earth. His daughter was very beautiful, bright, and youthful like the spring. Her hair so long and black. Her eyes were the color of the dirt that gave life to the flower and plants. One day the magician came home and told her that she was to marry very soon and he must let her go. This was a problem because the girl had already promised her heart to another. The son of the king of this magical realm. The young girl was so distraught she could not bear the thought of leaving her father or abandoning her one true love. But it was what the king ordered and she would never be allowed to be with the prince. The girl would rather die then trade her love for an obligation. So she thought she would run away and he would never find her.
She made her way to a staircase that led up the the Earth. A terrible place where one could feel real pain. It didn't matter to her for her life would be over if she stayed. The king was on to her he knew that she defied him. As she passed through the storms many life times past and the king vowed to punish her in each human existence. She would suffer and be alone. All hope was not lost because the prince searched for her over many lifetimes but just as he would be close to finding her to bring her home....she would disappear or his father would be onto his scheme. So he had to become more discrete and only come to her in dreams. He would go to her and advise her of a key that she must find and use to return. But the girl lived a new life each time she died and would dismiss the messages as nothing more then dreams. Until one day she found a strange key.....