A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 22 (Get Out of My Dreams You Whore)

I love to sleep.  It is actually one of my favorite hobbies.  I could sleep for months like a Disney Princess.  When I sleep I have my pup snuggled next to me and my dreams are an escape from reality.  99% of the time my dreams a pleasant.  I don't have that many nightmares nor do I dream about people I have issues with.  They don't exist in my perfect sleepland.  But, last night my dream got hijacked.

It started out really pleasant like....I was in a mall.  A local mall called Rogers Plaza.  But it was not the dump it is today, it was Rogers Plaza circa 1986.  I was walking around on my own (at my current age not 1986 age).  I was happy and looking around.  Then at one end of the mall near good old Montgomery Wards there was a glass enclosure filled with birds.  Not sparrows or red jays....just tropical flyers of all colors and sizes.  Then suddenly a single little flyer came up to my feet, her wings clipped so she couldn't fly.  She was a baby peach faced lovebird just like the one I had as a kid.  A little baby parfait! 

I knew she was meant to be mine so I scoped her up and started loving her.  I am not sure how long I had her in my dream but at some point Tom's mom made an appearance.  Tom's mom hates me and would go out of her way to make me unhappy.  She took my bird away and said I wasn't allowed to have it.  I was so pissed why was this bitch in my dream!?  I could have punched a baby.  She took my bird to an old redneck house on the westside that looked like the one belonging to the bird lady with the wolves that lives by my grandma.  That house is not really on the westside but in my dream it was relocated.

She had many birds in old boring looking cages.  They all looked so sad.  My little lovebird cried out to me to help her.  I screamed at Tom's mom that she couldn't take her.  That the westside was full of alley cats who would eat her.  But she didn't care she smiled as she handed my bird to that lady and I woke up crying.  I real life I loved that bird to pieces and I had her for eighteen years.  I love when she visits me in my dreams, how could this woman invade my sleep and destroy happy thoughts.  That bird was mine and had nothing to do with her.  In fact I don't even think she knew that I ever had parfait.  It was a terrible nightmare and if that whore invades my dreams again I'm calling Freddie and they are going to have to change the name of the movie to nightmare on heron street!