There are days when I am casually looking at facebook and I think really do the men of this city get their fashion tips from the Situation? It's horrible all those ugly tattoo shirts and Ed Hardy. Their skin is so tan they look orange and their heads look tiny because their arms are so big. They don't look cute! Actually they look like freaks and most of them are idiots. People wonder why I never go on dates. It's because the dating pool consists of guys that are so juiced up I am afraid they are going to rage out on me. The couple that spray tans together does not stay together. Things get worse each week with these Jersey wanna be's. Just today I seen one offender wearing eyeliner in his facebook picture. I know Halloween is just around the corner but seriously it is really disturbing. What happened to a nice polo shirt, clean jeans, and topsiders? I don't want anything to do with this outbreak of ridiculous. I will not be turned to the darkside! I will take a nerd in a "to catch a mocking bird" shirt from schulers any day instead. As a matter of fact I would rather be celibate then ever kiss a guy in an affliction joke.
The offensive style that must be banished

Seriously what the fuck is this?

What do you call a cluster of douche bags?
Eww disgusting!!!
One more for the cheap seats!
Now what ever happened to the good old fashioned American boy? I miss seeing those guys...
Now aren't they so much better!