A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things I Have Released at Thirty

I have been thirty for almost six months now.....hooray.  Honestly it doesn't feel much different then being twenty nine.  I still have most of the same problems I did back then; although I have zero tolerance for dramatic situations at this point.  But as life continues on there were some things I decided to leave behind in my twenties. The easiest decisions on what to release were in the realm of fashion.  There are several reasons the main three being:
1. My sisters wear similar items and I am twelve years their senior.
2. In Style and Vogue say it's a fashion don't in your thirties.
3. I don't want to look like the old broad who is trying to hard to hold on to her youth.

I have decided to list my top five banishment's for your reading enjoyment and perhaps I can aid you from making inappropriate wardrobe choices for your age bracket.

1. The first thing I chose to let go of was the jean mini skirt.  There was a time it was my go to piece for a night at Mojo's (a bar I have also let go of to the next generation).  It was short and care free.  It is also the staple item of a twenty one year old girl which I am not and quite frankly I look absolutely ridiculous in them paired with my pearls.
2. On to the next one and that was actually any items from a chain of stores including Ambercrombie, Hollister, and American Eagle.  There is a big problem wearing something that I chose to wear for my school picture in the 9th grade. These brands should be reserved for people under twenty five only.
3. To my donation bin also goes tube tops (not to be mistaken with strapless cocktail wear).  First of all they never really look that good and most people don't pair them with the right bottoms.  I also have a big chest and I refuse to have my bra straps showing and I won't use the clear ones.  They also remind me of Debs...which is bad news.

4. String Bikini's are also going into the trash.  I am a skinny girl and they make me look fat (which seems to be the effect on most people).  They are just not for everyone and now that I am thirty I feel like I should know better then to wear a swimsuit that adds twenty pounds.  There are so many other options out there that actually compliment my figure (which is a really nice bod).

5. The last thing I have decided to never ever wear again is shirts that show my tummy a la Winnie the pooh or on purpose.  The only place I should be wearing anything like that is at the beach club while I am on vacation. The trend should really be reserved for those under twenty two and I think it looks really trashy.  I don't even have a muffin top and I am banishing these shirts forever more.

I am sure as time passes I will continue to add things to the list.  On top of fashion there are various life situations I have chosen to just say no to like guys with out jobs, friends that might sleep with your boyfriend, and being nice to people I don't like.  I am excited to embrace new things like wearing pearls with anything, nice dinner dates instead bar dates, and being sure of who I am.  So as I say good bye to some of the fashion mistakes of my past I dream of couture.