A year in the life of......
A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Look I Don't Come to Work to Make Friends!
The office a place where the majority of us spend five days a week and most of the hours we are awake. Some people love to go to work not because they have this drive to be the best, but instead because it is there outlet for socialization. I am not one of those people. I have had many jobs and many of them I was even fired from (I have this thing about authority and not taking orders). For the most part I enjoy my job as an advisor. It is a good stepping stone for my career path. However, I work with a ton of women and cry baby men, who love to have water cooler talk.
There was a time I would have joined in on their happy hours. I would have been a part of the inner circle of coolness. Those times are long gone and I have no interest in making friends with anyone at work. I prefer to be an outcast and just do my job. Sure I will make small talk and that is where my story ends. I am a mystery so they can view me as stuck up. That is completely fine with me. I had to learn the hard way that 98% of the people you work with really are not real friends.
Way back when I was a work place socialite I decided to befriend a girl we will call her Jen. She was going through a break up and didn't have many girlfriends. I also was friendly with most of the people I worked with going out for happy hours and their stupid tupperware parties. During that time it just so happened I was dating a co-worker ( I sorta met him at work but he is part of that 2% of descent work friends I have made) who so happened to be the cell phone stores most eligible bachelor. I had no idea he was such prime relestate I just thought he was funny.
Turns out these work friends decided to sabotage me and went back to him with stories of things I "shared" with them. Well none of it was true and it created quite the argument. Then my good friend Jen said, "well I will talk to him and tell him they are lying." Her idea of talking to him was sending him naked pictures of herself and asking him if she could give him a blow job. She also took it upon herself to tell him all sorts of crazy things that were not true about me. All of a sudden I was the devil to this guy and that lasted a while. We are friends now but that is besides the point. I didn't find out about what she was really doing for well over a year and when I confronted her she lied to my face about it all.
All of her plotting created nothing but chaos for me at work. I became the office slut and the truth was I wasn't at all. I dated one guy and it got blown out of proportion because of my work friends. It made things unbearable for me at work. I learned my lesson it is already hard enough to have problems with a sketchball friend outside of work, but at least you can just cut those people off. If it happens with work people you still have to face them every day. Jen played the victim and of course I was the villain. I'm not fake and I can't suck up to people I don't care about like her or just to get something I want out of them. Turns out karma bit her in the ass, she got married for money, and now she is miserable. But never again do I want people to be in the know about me. I will remain a lone ranger and all anyone needs to know is I love my dog which is why I have hundreds of pictures of her in my cubical. I don't care how annoyed they get that I don't want to be a part of their potlucks and happy hours. I am done with the work friends scene. I have about four of them that turned out to be true blue and I have no desire to try to add more to my list.