A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just Because Elizabeth Taylor Died Doesn't Mean You Were Supposed To Fill Her Shoes....

Elizabeth Taylor had many lovers and husbands.  She even married one guy twice!  She was a beauty; always draped in diamonds and couture.  Sadly we cannot live forever so her time eventually came.  That does not mean there is a vacancy to fill her shoes by anyone.  Especially not in Grand Rapids Michigan! Day after day I hear stories and I read posts.  Girls in this town go through boyfriends, fiance's, and husbands like water.  It simply amazes me at how quick the turnover rate is and they all have a story. 

Many of them want you to feel sorry for them because they had no idea the guy they were using for money was a fraud (yeah right).  Or their husbands didn't make enough money resulting in them having to leave them because once their credit was destroyed they could no longer afford to buy designer jeans.  Babies are born to different daddies as quickly as the reproduction rate of the rat.  The kids end up with many "uncles."  A note to those women....Liz Taylor didn't do the "uncle" thing that was Joan Crawford.  They move from one guy to the next living off of them; doing nothing for themselves.  They couldn't possibly go to school or work because then they would never have time to go to forever 21 to buy fake jewelry to match their knock off Chanel purses.

To them divorce is no big deal because Liz did it and she was fabulous.  Plus they are all Christian women and God would never give them a challenge they couldn't handle.  Well when you were cheating on your husband or home wreaking....I bet God loved that!  Yes these women aren't divas they are skanks.  They make the rest of us who actually struggled in past relationships or value marriage look bad.  The reason is because they are so easy it makes us look stuck up.  Sometimes those Liz's will gather in groups like animals on the African plains and talk about how great they are doing.  They will discuss how we the non-Liz's are just jealous of their lives because we are washed up old maids.

Well I hate to burst the bubble but eventually people catch on to the games those kinds of women play.  Instead of thinking what a Liz Taylor she is men start to think about how you can't turn a whore into a housewife.  They will hit rock bottom and sometimes can't find their way out because they have no real survival skills.  We aren't jealous of these losers; we pity them.  We enjoy laughing at their stupidity.  Because the thing about Liz Taylor is that she might have been a tramp but she was a smart one.  She made her own money with her own talents and that was something no man could ever take from her.  These wanna be's on the other hand should hire themselves a pimp or start researching the bunny ranch because the smarts gene was left out of their DNA make up.