A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Monday, September 12, 2011

They Say Love Is Blind.....I Would Have To Say I Agree

For years and years you hear people say love is blind.  For a while I thought bullshit how is that possible?  Who would ever want to date anyone they aren't attracted to?  Because naturally I only date guys that I think are hot....but as I have been looking at photographs I realized I have been kidding myself.  I was also a victim of blind love!  Now I would post actual pictures here but Tom would probably sue or have me arrested.  So instead I have chosen to stand in's to play the parts of myself and Tom.  The pictures are no exaggeration.....he really is that unhandsome. 

Yes this is me and yes next to Tom as well as the bevy of uglies he has dated (because I have seen them all and for sure there was no one as cute as me the rest of the bunch resembles different farm animals) well I look like Miss Universe....literally.

This would be the closest thing to Tom I could find....he thinks he looks like Tom Brady but I beg to differ.  Pretty sure Tom Brady doesn't have half the cellulite or stretch marks.  Tom is a "little" thinner but not in good shape by any means.

So this leads me into.....WTF was I thinking?!  Seriously I used to tell this guy he was so handsome?  Hello I had to do the nasty with him!  Not only is love blind but apparently your use of touch is as well because I obviously didn't feel the small woodland creature growing on his face.  To be honest there wasn't even an initial attraction for me at first.  I mean I thought he was good looking in high school and I had seriously just got done dating a hot guy!  So maybe personality does a lot for a person but Tom's personality was mean 75% of the time.  I am pretty dumb founded right now because I have no explanation as to how any of that came about not once but several times.  For him well I am hot but I know we were that couple in the mall that people wondered what is she doing with him? 

I would have married this guy and had to look at wolf pack from the Hangover for the rest of my life!  I wonder if I would have been blinded forever or if one day I would have woken up to the realization that he isn't really attractive at all?  But the amazing thing is Tom thinks he is like the hottest guy on the planet, however I don't think that too many girls just look at him like what a dream boat. Amazing that not only did I let myself get emotionally tormented, become depressed, and desperate for a guy who wasn't even a head turner.  Next time I'm getting someone I can at least look cute in pictures with!