A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Back Stabbing Bitches Deserve to Get Theirs or When Good Friends Go Bad

Women in general can be bitches.  We often will gossip behind each others backs, call someone fat, and give dirty looks.  But there is a huge difference between just being a regular woman and being a back stabbing bitch.  The biggest difference is that back stabbing bitches will pretend to be your best friends, act like they are there for you, and at the same time they are plotting some way to ruin you or take advantage of you.  Now if you are lucky you won't encounter too many of these devious bitches in life because once you deal with one you will be on your toes.  No one wants to deal with them more then that so you remember the signs to look for to avoid them at all costs.  I recently cast off a back stabbing bitch from my life for the following offenses in no particular order.

1. Blaming me for stories her husband heard about her cheating to cover her ass by saying I was jealous and trying to ruin her life.
2. Having her gay scam artist friend sending me anonymous texts about this so called incident to harass me in the fashion of seventh graders.
3. Having multiple occurrences of cheating and affairs on various men putting me in the middle as cover up.
4. Calling me to a bar to tell me that my other friend was trying to make out with my boyfriend resulting in a huge fight when I was drunk.
5. Calling my boyfriend and talking about my relationship with him behind my back.
6. Borrowing my clothes and then lending them out to other people.
7. Never acknowledging the help I and other people have tried to provide to her.  Just feeling like it's okay to use people.
8. Telling my boyfriend I lied about being pregnant.
9. Telling my boyfriend I lied about having a miscarriage.
10. Telling my boyfriend if I was really pregnant it wasn't his baby.

The list of crazy could go on and on.  But this particular backstabber just obviously didn't say something stupid behind my back; she tried to ruin my life.  Some parts of her plan actually worked.  I can't even remember how many times some of these stories came up in arguments between Tom and I.  They even resulted in arguments between me and friends.  This is the dirtiest kind of bitch around.  She is like a honey badger having no regard for anyone else.  Who really does stuff like she did?  Well any back stabbing bitch would so I keep the list in mind and look for all the signs now.  I don't want to deal with any of that kind of stuff again.  So ladies watch, listen, and learn.  If you have one of these toxic back stabbing bitches in your life it's time to cast them off before they do too much damage.  Let's face it those kinds of issues will want to make you hurt them so bad you could go to jail and no one wants to do that.