A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Am Abundant in Love....Keeping It Positive on Valentines Day

Being single on Valentines Day is a nightmare for most singles out there; especially women.  Flowers and chocolates fill the office.....while you sit there empty handed.  It's only a reminder that you will be going home to an empty house to enjoy dinner with your cat.  Some people opt to keep it up beat by having dinners with friends and maybe making a girlfriend your Valentine for the day.  This is done in hopes of not feeling suicidal at the end of the night.  But either way you handle it Valentines Day is not something you were looking forward to. 

There have been years where I spent the holiday happy and in love.  There were others that were terrible and lonely.  Last year was pretty bad seeing that it was in the middle of all of the bull shit I was dealing with Tom on.  I think I wanted to crawl up in to a ball and just hug a fluffy pillow while crying until I hyperventilated.  It was not a fun experience.  I woke up this morning still single, still nothing resolved, or nothing new in life.  But, I didn't feel sorry for myself.  Instead I thought about the things that do make me happy and that I am thankful for having in life. 

Lately I have been doing a lot of soul searching.....I want to discover life's answers.  I started by going back to reading "The Secret" and reflecting on the law of attraction.  Basically it states what ever you put out the the universe you will get back.  So by waking up and thinking I am alone the end result is being alone.  I have been trying to change that by meditating on events that I want to happen as if they already have happened.  By being thankful and trying very hard to not be negative.  It isn't easy because we are a society who wants instantaneous results from our actions.  Unfortunately that really is not how things work for anyone.  Everything takes time and Patience.

My heart is filled with hope and projection of what I want my future to bring.  In those moments when I think nothing is going to work out I have to reach into my internal wish base to register what is coming on the horizon.  I'm done listening to everyone else and I am done sharing with negative Nancy's.  This is my own little experiment I am conducting with the universe.  I am retraining the way I think and live so that I might experience life the way it is in my dreams.  Signs appear every where that will let me know I am on the right track.  I am also getting better at listening to my own inner voice and doing as it commands.  Next Valentines Day I will have a million reasons to celebrate because I am abundant in love and through my affirmations what I desire will come to pass.  And So It Is <3