A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Skinny Fat Girl....It's Not Pretty

I am not kidding that this time last year my body looked a lot like the above photo.  I was smoking hot!  I looked good in just about anything that was two pieces.  I was always putting on little outfits and doing little numbers for Tom.  There was no denying it; his girlfriend was a sexy bitch.  Pretty much every part of me was tone and defined.  I was proud to be the hottest housewife on the block.

Fast forward to present day
I didn't gain any weight really....I mean give or take two or three pounds when I have my period.  But I have this mini pooch and my legs have cellulite.  Why did I let this happen?   The depressing part is it started because I was depressed.  I was upset over my break up and I didn't want to do anything.  I didn't care about working out because the way I seen it I wasn't putting on any pounds and no one was going to see me naked.  After the depression lifted I was a much lazier person and with the onset of a new job with a unique schedule I just didn't give the gym a thought. 

Then this past week I started looking in the mirror a little more and I realized the havoc I reeked on my body!  It was terrible and it was disgusting.  I knew I had to make a change but that is easier said then done.  It's cold outside, my work schedule is weird, and I feel bad neglecting the dog.  All probably excuses and I need to find something to get me out of this lazy slump.  I think and wonder how did I do it before....I worked full time, school, Tom, cooking, cleaning two houses, sex, working out, and me time.  It's like I was wonder woman.  Something has got to give and I am going to find the magic potion because I hate not liking what I see in the mirror.