A year in the life of......

A collection of true stories of: Triumphs and Failures. Random Thoughts and Rants in life and love of a Masocistic Beauty Queen.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh The Places I'll Go

Today is a totally worthless day....well boring day anyway.  So I decided to start researching some of the cities I am thinking about relocating to.  Now I know I said that I was moving a million times but I wanted to be secure in a job and be stable before I left the mitten.  Then I got caught up with that "local" boy who would have been happy in Wyoming Michigan for all eternity.  So lets review my options.

1. Chicago Illinois

What's not to love about the Windy City!  The Cubs, the Bears, the Bulls!  It's by far my favorite city and there is something new waiting around every corner.  The food is awesome and so is the music scene.  It's like New York with a little Midwest charm. 

2. Seattle Washington

 I have never been there but it just seems cool!  It rains a lot which would be awesome for my writing.  The music scene is off the hook.  It is also home of the first Starbucks and Nordstroms.  The bay looks stunning and it's a young urban city.

3. San Antonio Texas

I love San Antonio!  The river walk is one of my favorite places in the country.  It's so southern and charming.  I love that Texan women pride themselves in their big hair and shiny jewels. The food there is awesome as well and I wouldn't mind being able to eat at Mi Terra whenever I pleased.  It's also warm so I could say good bye to snow!!!

4. Boston Massachusetts

Ok I am not a red soxs or patriots fan however Boston has a lot of history.  I love that there are so many colleges there which would open up a ton of options for jobs.  I love that there is a harbor and it is right smack near the ocean.  There are parts that are very New England and I love the Kennedy's.

5. Portland Oregon

I have never been to Portland either but I hear it is very liberal.  What would I do to be surrounded with a great view and tons of hippies! There is a lot to do in the area and I keep going back to how green it is.  It would be a huge change but possibly a welcomed one.

The next five are runners up, just places I am pondering but really don't know much about.  Or I like them but they aren't in my top five.

6. New York, New York

7. Providence Rhode Island

8. Denver Colorado

9. Portland Maine

10. Washington DC

Some of the places I chose for the remaining are totally out of my comfort zone, but why not!  I'm ready for an adventure away from home and any place will be more exciting then Grand Rapids.  Plus the IChing said I need to cross a great river to be prosperous and with my true love.....let's do this.